What hours will I work?
Cafes team can select to work part time (50% discount) or full time (100% discount). Part time roles typically work around 4 hours per day, whilst full time roles typically work around 8 hours per day. Cafes team work during the afternoons and evenings (after the evening meeting). Those working part time will be given a rota by their team leader.
When do I need to arrive?
You'll need to be able to arrive onsite on Sunday 27 July, ready for your team briefing on Monday morning. Your Team Leader may ask (if you are able to) you to arrive on Saturday 26 July to help set up. If you know you are able to be onsite earlier, please let us know.
How do I sign up?
Team sign up is through the booking system which can be accessed here. You'll need to add a 'Team Member Ticket' to your basket. When adding your details, you'll need to select 'Serve full time' or 'Serve part time' and choose Cafes from the drop-down which appears. Please note: the ticket price will be adjusted after you have chosen your team.
If you have been recruited to a specific cafe, put the code you were given in the box, instead of using the dropdown.