LBP5676 ND22 Thur One Team


Are you a Mr or Mrs Hinch? The Cleaning team needs you!

If you're looking for a deeply satisfying serving role, look no further! These heroes help to keen the site clean and ready for all of the thousands of young people who come to Newday. From sprucing showers to lathering up loos this team do a great job and have fun whilst doing it!

The cleaning team also get to ride around in one of the famous Newday buggies so, you know, perks!

What hours will I work?

Cleaning is a part time (50% discount) or full time (100% discount) role. Part time will work around 4 hours per day, whilst full time will work 6-8 hours per day. The team works in shifts, so you'll know at the beginning of the week what your working pattern looks like. A lot of the amenity block cleaning takes place during the meetings,

When do I need to arrive?

You'll need to be able to arrive onsite on Sunday 27 July, ready for your team briefing on Monday morning.

How do I sign up?

Team sign up is through the booking system which can be accessed here. You'll need to add a 'Team Member Ticket' to your basket. When adding your details, you'll need to select 'Serve full time' or 'Serve part time' and choose Cleaning from the drop-down which appears. Please note: the ticket price will be adjusted after you have chosen your team.