Zone Hosting
Friendly, welcoming and practical?
Our Zone Hosts have the task of looking after one of our 5 coloured camping zones across the site. They are the first port of call for Group Coordinators and Youth Leaders to help them get the most out of Newday, assist with questions around setting up their camp and making them a cuppa when it all gets too much!
If you have a passion for people and also possess practical skills, you will make an excellent Zone Host!
Ideally, it's great if a church group can own a camping Zone together and bring a team of 10-12 people, but if you would just like to be partnered up with another church, please get in touch!
What hours will I work?
Zone Hosting is a full time role and will require you to work around 8 hours per day.
When do I need to arrive?
You'll need to be able to arrive onsite on Saturday 26 July to prepare your zone tent and camping zone, so you are ready to welcome Group Coordinators on Sunday.
How do I sign up?
If you'd like to sign up your church to run a Camping Zone or be paired with another church running one, please email us at [email protected] and give us a little bit more information about yourself: we'll put you in touch with the Team Leader and let you know what it will look like.